
Safety Tips for the Village



PG&E Pipeline Information

The Village is located within about 2,000 feet of a natural gas pipeline (click here to see a map). Please read this letter and this brochure from PG&E outlining information we can all use to help prevent accidents and respond to emergencies.

No Cooking on Decks/Patios

Please remember that no cooking is allowed on decks or patios. This applies to all cooking, including barbecues, grills, hot plates, hibachis, or any other method.

FlamesFire Extinguishers

You should check the date on your fire extinguisher every year to see if it needs to be recharged. Each homeowner is responsible for keeping one up-to-date extinguisher in their unit. Here are instructions on using fire extinguishers.

Here's what the North County Fire Authority folks have to say:

Fire Extinguishers

Multipurpose dry chemical extinguishers will handle most types of fires that occur in your home. They come in a variety of common sizes from 1 1/2 lbs. to 20 lbs. Generally we recommend a 5 lb. extinguisher for home use. It's big enough to put out most small fires and not to heavy enough to be awkward.

To read more about fire extinguishers, see


Chimney SweepDryer Vents and Chimneys

Homeowners are also responsible for keeping chimneys and dryer vents clean. From time to time, the association arranges for these to be cleaned all at once at each homeowner's expense; but if you feel that yours need cleaning, please go ahead and get them cleaned individually.



Crime Alert Remember to Report Crimes Right Away: Our security cameras store only 10 days of video at a time, so be sure to report crimes or unusual behavior to the management company as soon as possible so the video can be checked to see if the crime was recorded. 



Other Valuable Condo Information

"Davis-Stirling Act" -- California Civil Code 1350-1376 covering Common Interest Developments. You can see this on the ECHO (Executive Council of Homeowners) site here: